
Next Gen. Module Development Stack: MVC, Angular, EF

Scott Wilkinson
Date and Time
5/29/2015 2:00 PM

With the advent of the upcoming DNN Community release 8, we, as module developers, need change how we develop custom modules in order to create relevant and modern applications with DNN. In this session we will learn about these modern module development practices: Building on the MVC and razor architecture, Building our data layer on the next generation Entity Framework 7, Using a client-centric approach via AngularJS and WebAPI services, Leveraging the DNN core search to provide efficient searching within the module

Obviously it won’t be possible to do a deep dive into all of these subjects in an hour, but you will leave this session with a solid overview and working code illustrating these concepts.

About the speakers

Scott Wilkinson
Scott is a current DNN MVP and is the main contributor to DNNHero’s module development training courses as well as a frequent speaker and trainer at DNN events. He is currently working as a Solution Architect for Bluebolt Solutions in Chicago, IL in addition to his freelance business DotNetNuclear, LLC.